Build an atom

Type Excursion (Interactive Presentation)
{:title=>"Beschreibung"} This Inquiry Learning Space is designed for young Chemistry students of lower secondary school (12-15 years old) and aims at introducingan atom’s main "building blocks": protons, neutron and electrons. Students will “build” atoms through the addition or removal of protons, neutrons and electrons. Through this activity they will discover in a fun, interactive and easy way: * The position ...
Author Pandora Sifnioti
Uploaded by ViSH
License Creative Commons Attribution
Attribute to Pandora Sifnioti (
Sprache English
Erstellt am Mittwoch, 05. August 2015, 12:50 Uhr
Aktualisiert am Donnerstag, 06. August 2015, 11:37 Uhr

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