Around the world - the school trip around the world with t-shirts, books, geography and fieldwork swirled.

Type Excursion (Interactive Presentation)
Beschrijving 1.stage: "Collecting t-shirts" Students collect t-shirts with a sign on it: name of cites, countries, states, rivers... T-shirts are sorted and analyzed by geographical area and region. Studenst prepare an exhibition of t-shirts in the school hall and classrooms. 2.stage: "Telling a story" Lectures and workshops with guests (travel writers, sailors, adventurers and world travelers). Reading an...
Author Ina Randic Dordevic
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Attribute to Ina Randic Dordevic (
Taal English
Gecreëerd op 12 december 2013 12:53
Geüpdatet op 10 juli 2014 11:08

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