Identificación de Minerales

Type Excursion (Interactive Presentation)
Description Identificaremos minerales en el laboratorio gracias a códigos QR. Hemos escogido los minerales más habituales y así, cada profesor podrá adaptar nuestra idea a su laboratorio.
Author 2º ESO IES David Buján
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Attribute to 2º Bac IES David Buján (
With content from 2º ESO IES David Buján
Language Spanish
Created at November 16, 2013 08:26
Updated at March 12, 2024 09:57

A SCORM package is a collection of files which are packaged according to an agreed standard for learning objects. SCORM packages are zip files that can be integrated in any LMS (Learning Management System) that supports the standard (Moodle, Blackboard, …) and that can be used for presenting multimedia content and as assessment tools. Thus, you can integrate your Virtual Excursion in Moodle and other LMSs by downloading it as SCORM.

Marisa Castiñeira
Marisa Castiñeira
almost 11 years ago

Buenísima excursión, empezaré en 1º de ESO con minerales, la utilizaré.
Dejo además mi enhorabuena por la excursión del mes

Jose Viñas
Jose Viñas
almost 11 years ago

Si imprimes los códigos QR de los minerales para poder pegarlos a las cajas de minerales. Si haces una búsqueda de un mineral, te debería salir la imagen del mineral, el código QR y la e-excursion. Gracias Marisa!!

Gabriela Krizovska
Gabriela Krizovska
over 10 years ago

Great job. Good practise to adopt to other subjcts distiguishing.Thanks for inspitation. From 3rd Summer school in Split conference.

over 8 years ago


over 7 years ago

Muy buen trabajo. Enhorabuena!!

almost 5 years ago


11 months ago

One of the games that I often pin at the top of my browser is suika game, which is quick and convenient. If something urgent happens, you can stop it at any time without affecting me.