El Olivo

Type Excursion (Interactive Presentation)
Description El Olivo es un que puede alcanzar hasta los 10 metros de altura. Sus hojas son perennes, con forma lanceolada, que pueden medir de 2 a 8 cm de longitud; el haz de éstas es verde-grisáceo mientras que el envés es de color plateado. Las flores son hermafroditas, muy pequeñas que forman numerosos racimos. El fruto es la aceituna, de cuyo zumo se obtiene el aceite. Los olivos se hallan amplia men...
Author NSP1A2015
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Attribute to NSP1A2015 (http://vishub.org/users/nsp1a2015)
Language Spanish
Created at May 26, 2015 17:33
Updated at June 15, 2015 11:06

A SCORM package is a collection of files which are packaged according to an agreed standard for learning objects. SCORM packages are zip files that can be integrated in any LMS (Learning Management System) that supports the standard (Moodle, Blackboard, …) and that can be used for presenting multimedia content and as assessment tools. Thus, you can integrate your Virtual Excursion in Moodle and other LMSs by downloading it as SCORM.