HIGGS PARTICLE: Something very small that makes all the difference

Type Excursion (Interactive Presentation)
{:title=>"Leírás"} A brief history of Higgs particle discovery through ideas and experiments: An excursion from the origin of the Universe to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
Author Andreas Valadakis
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Attribute to Andreas Valadakis (http://vishub.org/users/andreas-valadakis)
Language English
Létrehozva 2013. november 24., vasárnap, 14:10
Frissítve 2024. december 12., csütörtök, 02:38

A SCORM csomag is a collection of files which are packaged according to an agreed standard for learning objects. SCORM packages are zip files that can be integrated in any LMS (Learning Management System) that supports the standard (Moodle, Blackboard, …) and that can be used for presenting multimedia content and as assessment tools. Thus, you can integrate your Virtual Excursion in Moodle and other LMSs by downloading it as SCORM.

több, mint 11 évja

I do not like criticizing other people's work, but there are three main problems with your presentation: 1. The Higgs boson is not the solution of how all the elementary particles get masses, you can do that without the Higgs for all the particles except for the W and Z bosons. 2. The question "what did it make the difference?" is more related with "why the masses of the elementary particles are so different?", which is a question that the Higgs mechanism cannot answer. And 3. In page 17 you are forgetting A. Migdal and A. Polyakov, which also gave an explanation for that more or less at the same time as these other people, but it was forgotten because of the Iron Curtain.

Andreas Valadakis
Andreas Valadakis
több, mint 11 évja

This presentation is only a first approximation to Higgs particle. Sure there are much more details.

Juan Quemada
Juan Quemada
több, mint 11 évja

Nice resource

kb 11 évja

Very good

4 hónapja

We must be very careful when reading blog posts. I already did it, and I think this post is great quordle

Jeffree Star
Jeffree Star
4 hónapja

The discovery of the Higgs boson marked a significant milestone in our that's not my neighbor understanding of the universe.